Attaching Documents

Within the Problem Case Form you are able to attach documents pertaining to the particular problem described. Documents could include a copy of a Purchase Order to a third party sort house, analysis results or breakpoint labels. A limit of 10MB per document is set in the system. Follow the steps below to attach a document to the Problem Case:
- Start by opening the Problem Case Form.
- Scroll to the Private Document Attachment section of the Problem Case.
- Click on Attach Document
- Click on Choose File.
- Browse to the document you wish to attach. Note: File names must not include any punctuation aside from the period between the file name and file type. Examples of appropriate file names are: filename.xlsx; file name.xlsx; file_name.xlsx; file-name.xlsx
- Once you select your document, click on Ok and your document will be attached to this Problem Case. Any user that can access this Problem Case will be able to open/view any documents attached to the Problem Case.