
May 1, 2024
All Nexteer Automotive Suppliers:
The Nexteer Supplier Requirements have been updated effective May 1, 2024. It is your responsibility to review the entire document for details regarding these changes. The updated document can be found on the Nexteer Supplier Website under Doing Business with Nexteer at the following link:
Questions are to be directed to your Nexteer Buyer or Supplier Quality Personnel.
Changes involve the following Sections:
- 2.1 Normative and Information References – added AIAG CQI-29 Brazing
- 4.3 Determining the Scope of the Quality Management System
- Requirements for Suppliers of Electronics – added development interface agreement which may be required by Nexteer for cybersecurity related responsibilities and information sharing. Required details to be provided for supplier claimed ASIL levels and not just ASIL D.
- Energy Management System Certification – new section relative to encourage ISO 50001 certification
- Product Safety – added development interface agreement which may be required by Nexteer for cybersecurity and or functional safety related responsibilities and information sharing
- Corporate Responsibility – added intolerance of the use of private or public security forces related to forced and child labor
- Environmental Sustainability – included climate change and decreasing greenhouse gas emissions as a priority, added a section on Biodiversity.
- Production Scheduling and Supplier Delivery Evaluation – added the supplier responsibility to regularly monitor releases and manage issues in the supply chain to prevent stock outages, overseas suppliers managing ocean freight transportation should ensure finished goods buffer of minimum 12 weeks prior to a launch of a new part or program, details provided on supplier delivery performance evaluation, including point deduction and QAD delivery score in Intelex. In case of unsatisfactory delivery performance, the supplier may be obliged to increase finished goods safety stock and provide risk mitigation plan.
- 8.5.4 Preservation
- Regional Customs Documents – Invoices for transport originating from outside the EU must include the EORI number.
- Transportation – In rare cases of sudden decrease in volume, Nexteer may cancel some previously scheduled pickups after mutual agreement.
- 10.2.5 Warranty Management Systems – included Customer Specific Requirements for supplier warranty analysis process.
- 10.2.6 Customer Complaints and Field Failure Test Analysis – Added the supplier is required to universally implement within the supply base the latest edition of the AIAG CQI-14 Automotive Warranty Management Guideline and OEM Customer Specific Requirements where applicable relative to Field Failure Analysis. Additionally, where OEM Customer Specific Requirements apply, the supplier is required to submit its proposed plan to test returned parts for Nexteer’s review.
February 15, 2023
All Nexteer Automotive Suppliers:
The Nexteer Supplier Requirements have been updated effective February 15, 2023. It is your responsibility to review the entire document for details regarding these changes. The updated document can be found on the Nexteer Supplier Website under Doing Business with Nexteer at the following link:
Questions are to be directed to your Nexteer Buyer or Supplier Quality Personnel.
Changes involve the following Sections:
- 2.1 Normative and Informative References –
- Added AIAG & VDA FMEA Handbook or SAE J1739 FMEA Standard.
- Added reference to CQI-30 here and throughout.
- 3.1 Terms and Definitions – Added Major Disruption and eliminated Spill and Vontik.
- 4.3 Quality Management System –
- Added clarification for Distributors.
- Product Safety –
- Clarified supplier’s responsibility to support compliance with Industry/OEM specific standards such as ASPICE, ISO 26262. ISO/SAE 21434, etc.
- If requested by Nexteer, enter into a Development Interface Agreement which details functional safety responsibilities.
- Corporate Responsibility –
- Added Health and Safety Policy and Health and Safety Management System Certification expectations.
- Risk Analysis –
- Added The reverse PFMEA process must cover all Nexteer part numbers annually.
- Priority must be given to part numbers with Nexteer problem cases (recommended higher frequency).
- Operation of Processes – Moved Health and Safety Policy and requirement for supplier to establish their own policy to section
- Record Retention – Updated records related to safety critical characteristic features shall be retained for the longer of 20 years after final delivery or for the period prescribed by applicable law.
- 8.1.1 Operational Planning and Control – Added a key element of APQP – provide a label and participate in EDI verification.
- 8.2.1 Customer Communication –
- Added Supplier Development Application and Supplier Tooling Application to Intelex Applications list.
- Supplier review of Intelex Profile will be changing from yearly to a more frequent basis. Failure to update may result in system lock-out.
- Eliminated reference to Vontik and replaced with generic Financial Assessment reference.
- Customer Designed Special Characteristics –
- Corrected the following statement from CL3 to CL4: “Operations with Fastener Assembly processes that have a severity 8,9, or 10 (CL1, CL2, CL4)….”.
- As part of Launch and Early Production Containment (EPC) AQE/SQE’s may require capability monitoring and submission for CL1, CL2, CL3 and CL4 features. Providing capability requirements are met, this requirement would be exited at time of EPC release.
- Organization Manufacturing Feasibility – Added that any operating plan that uses more than 100 hours per work week must not only be agreed upon by Nexteer but clearly documented in the Nomination Letter.
- Design and Development Planning – FMEA’s shall be prepared using the AIAG & VDA Potential Mode and Effects Analysis format OR the SAE J1739 format.
- Statutory and Regulatory Requirements – Responsible Sourcing
- Updated to include Mica
- Added Suppliers are to use smelters and refiners that have been validated as conformant to an independent 3rd party responsible mineral sourcing validation program.
- Added Suppliers must conduct mineral due diligence in alignment with OCED Guidance.
- Supplier Development – Added reference to the upcoming Intelex Supplier Development module.
- 8.5.4 Preservation – Labeling – Added Suppliers will be required to verify label requirements as part of the Nexteer APQP process.
- 8.6.2 Layout Inspection – Added performed on a minimum of 5 pieces.
- Control of Suspect Material – Added the Supplier shall separate suspect parts and/or material from conforming parts and/or material by using an isolated secured containment area.
- 9.2.2 Layered Audit – Moved and updated layered audit verbiage from section 10.3.1 to section 9.2.2 and added language defining “senior management”.
- 10.3.1 Continual Improvement – removed the layered audit verbiage and moved it to section 9.2.2.
- 11.1 Commercial Expectations – Added the timeframe allowed for MAPP submission from the supplier which is 7 days.
- 11.2 Pricing – clarified expected cost reduction goals are annual.
May 27, 2022
Dear Nexteer Partner,
The Global Supplier Standard Label Requirements document was updated on May 15, 2022. The minor update was to remove DLOC from 3 Container Labels and Master Load Labels.
Please be sure to review the updated Label Requirements document posted on the Shipping & Labeling Processes page.
Nexteer Automotive
December 20, 2021
Dear Nexteer Partner,
Posted here are the key messages shared by Nexteer executive leadership during our global supplier conference this past November. Please share with your teams and reach out to your commercial contact within Nexteer for clarification on any of the points contained therein.
2021 Global Supplier Conference (YouTube)
2021 Global Supplier Conference (Canto)
*These slides are considered Nexteer confidential and should not be shared or distributed to others beyond our supply base
Nexteer Automotive
November 11, 2021
All Nexteer Automotive Suppliers:
The Nexteer Supplier Requirements have been updated effective November 15, 2021. It is your responsibility to review the entire document for details regarding these changes. The updated document can be found on the Nexteer Supplier Website under Doing Business with Nexteer at the following link:
Questions are to be directed to your Nexteer Buyer or Supplier Quality Personnel.
Major changes involve Sections:
- 3.1 Terms and Definitions – Eliminated Direct Works for submitting quotations and price breakdowns. Replaced by Intelex.
- 4.1 Understanding the Organization – Added Environmental Policy and requirement for supplier to establish their own policy.
- 4.3 Quality Management System –
- Suppliers of software development services are required to be certified to the current version of ISO 26262 to demonstrate ASIL D capability.
- Environmental Mgt. System – we require our suppliers to improve environmental performance and set targets that are measurable.
- Corporate Responsibility –
- Added Environmental Sustainability – Suppliers shall reduce their environmental impact to a minimum. Quantitative information shall be provided to Nexteer upon request. Suppliers shall ensure all of its sub-suppliers are contractually bound to comply with the terms of this Environmental Sustainability clause.
- Added expectation of suppliers to have a grievance mechanism for stakeholders
- Risk Analysis – Added the supplier must have a system to
- 1) Feedback root cause and corrective actions from PCs to the PFMEA,
- 2) Review PFMEA risk priority and create actions plans, and
- 3) Audit process risk and create action plans.
- Operation of Processes – Added Health and Safety Policy and requirement for supplier to establish their own policy.
- Measurement System Analysis – Added form F1041, Product Gage Correlation.
- 8.1.1 Operational Planning and Control – MAPP clarified CL1, CL2, and CL3 are all included if government safety regulation block on the drawing is checked yes.
- 8.1.2 Confidentiality – Added that suppliers may be required to sign a non-disclosure agreement.
- 8.2.1 Customer Communication –
- 1) Emphasized contact information within Intelex must be maintained (reviewed and updated annually) by the supplier including naming a Product Safety Representative,
- 2) Added reference to 3 additional Intelex applications; NSA, SPI, and Supplier PO Portal for retrieving purchase orders and amendments to purchase orders.
- Customer Designed Special Characteristics – The production control plan must include special checks to verify correct machine set up and that parts meet 100% of requirements prior to release of the process for production.
- Product Approval Process – emphasized parts shipped from production tools must have some level of PPAP approval prior to shipment.
- Statutory and Regulatory Requirements – Responsible Sourcing Initiative responses must be submitted within the Intelex application and in the proper format and version in order to be accepted by Nexteer.
- 8.5.2 Identification and Traceability – Suppliers traceability system will be addressed through the F1036 Traceability Fire Drill process.
- 8.5.3 Property Belonging to Customers or External Providers –
- 1) Tools owned by Nexteer or by Nexteer’s customer are to be marked as directed by Nexteer,
- 2) Where Zeiss CMM machines are utilized, refer to Nexteer SD-1019 which is available upon request.
- 8.5.4 Preservation – Customs Documents – new Nexteer service provider, Livingston International. Transportation – Update to 2020 INCO terms from 2010.
- Control of Nonconforming Product – Controlled Shipping Level 2, the supplier should submit to Nexteer an audit report showing corrective action review by the certification body.
- Customer Satisfaction – clarified and removed “6 month average score” from Delivery and Responsiveness, added that supplier scorecards may be weighted differently based on the supplier’s site and commodity. Suppliers will be notified by Nexteer of specific targets.
- 10.2.4 Error Proofing – added definition and stated challenge parts must verify the effectiveness of the error proof device.
- Attachments B, C, D, and E – reiterated there may be unique OEM specific standards that exceed the requirement in this section.
November 3, 2020
Dear Nexteer Partner,
Posted here are the key messages shared by Nexteer executive leadership during our global supplier conference this past November. Please share with your teams and reach out to your commercial contact within Nexteer for clarification on any of the points contained therein.
2020 Global Supplier Conference
*These slides are considered Nexteer confidential and should not be shared or distributed to others beyond our supply base
Nexteer Automotive
May 28, 2020
Hello to all of Nexteer’s Supply Partners,
I hope this notice finds all of you, your colleagues, and your families in good health. Unfortunately, our state and community was hit hard with the events of the Covid -19 pandemic as well as a historic flood from two dams breaking last week in the Great Lakes Bay Region. Local families are in desperate need of relief. Please consider joining us in our efforts to supply support to those families in need. Additional details regarding the flood damage, and how you can team up with Nexteer are in the link below.
Thanks for your for partnership and your consideration.
Chris Brodzinski / Kurt Heberling
May 8, 2020
Hello to all of Nexteer’s Supply Partners,
I hope this notice finds all of you, your colleagues, and your families healthy. Like most of you, many of the Nexteer locations had temporarily suspended manufacturing operations due to the COVID-19 health crisis. The restart of many of the operations has already begun or is rapidly approaching. Nexteer is now taking steps to ensure a successful restart of our operations. This successful restart depends heavily on our Supply Partners. The attached video communicates Nexteer’s expectations of your support during this Start-Up period. Please click on the link directly below and watch the short presentation.
In addition to the video, the 2nd link is for the “Nexteer Safe Work Playbook” referenced in the video.
Your prompt attention to these items will ensure your role in a successful Restart. I ask all of you to please take all necessary precautions to remain safe and healthy, people’s health and safety are our 1st priority.
Thank you for your continued support.
Kurt Heberling
Executive Director, Global Supplier Quality & Development
Interim leader of GSM Systems and Logistics
January 28, 2020
Dear Supplier,
This communication is regarding the outbreak of the Coronavirus in China.
First and foremost, our thoughts go out to those impacted directly by the virus. We hope for quick recovery and a
resumption of normal activities as soon as possible.
The virus has the potential to affect Nexteer and its partners by disrupting supply chains.
Please assess your ability to meet Nexteer schedules given the following potential constraints in your supply chain.
- Extensions of the Chinese New Year holiday by certain local governments
- Travel restrictions creating human resource constraints
- Potential transportation disruptions, both in-bound and out-bound
- Material shortage risks from your suppliers and sub-tier suppliers
Thank you to those suppliers who have already assessed your position and contacted Nexteer.
For those who have not, please communicate your status – even if there is no impact – to your Nexteer Buyer and Plant
Material Coordinator. If any risk of failing to meet Nexteer requirements is detected, please be sure to include the following
- Vendor name
- Vendor code (DUNS Number)
- Location of your affected facility (City, Province/State, Country)
- Nexteer plant(s) affected
- Nexteer part number(s) affected and projected impact (run out) at Nexteer plant(s)
- Risk mitigation plan – if developed
- Primary contact information (Name and Email Address)
- Brief description of bottleneck, including an indication of the affected supplier tier
Nexteer Automotive – Global Supply Management and Production Control & Logistics Teams
December 3, 2019
Attn: All Direct Material Suppliers shipping to Nexteer US Facilities
On Wednesday, January 1, 2020, Nexteer Automotive will roll back the Supplier Accumes for all productive Suppliers that ship into our Mexico and US Facilities.
2019 Receipt Accumes will end Tuesday, December 31, 2019, at 24:00:00 EST.
2020 Receipt Accumes will start Wednesday, January 1, 2020, at 00:00:01 EST.
Do not initialize your Accumes to zero until the above date.
The Material Releases issued on Wednesday; January 1, 2020 will be the first releases of the new year with an Accume of Zero.
Material in transit that is Received by December 31, 2019 will be included in the 2019 Accumes.
Material in transit that is Received on or after January 1, 2020 will be included in 2020 Accumes.
Please contact Tom Bossard if you have any questions.
Thank you!
Thomas J. Bossard
Tom Bossard
Production Control & Logistics
Nexteer Automotive
Cell Phone 517-920-1680
November 18, 2019
Dear Nexteer Supplier,
This notice is for all Nexteer Suppliers that are using QAD Supplier Portal solutions for either Production Control activity (viewing Supplier Releases, printing Labels & submitting ASNs) and/or Financial activity (viewing Invoices & Nexteer’s Accounts payable status). To continue using this tool, it is important to note that a new user interface (UI) is now available for the QAD Supplier Portal and the Nexteer team is excited about the improved user experience it offers.
Why are you receiving this notice?
- QAD, our Supplier Portal vendor, has informed us that all our users will need to move to the new user interface by January 24, 2020. Accordingly, the current UI will no longer be available as of that date.
- A pre-public version of the new user interface is available at You can use your current QAD Supplier Portal login/password to access this environment for test The data in this environment is old data provided for testing to gain familiarity with the new UI.
- A public environment is also available and can be accessed at with your current QAD Supplier Portal login/password. Note that this environment is synchronous with your current Supplier Portal environment. Any changes made in the public environment will be reflected in your current Supplier Portal environment.
- Extensive Online Help guidance for the new UI is available in both pre-public and public environments. Users can access this assistance through the “?” found in the top right-hand corner upon logging in to the interface.
- QAD has also provided a redirection messages to the new UI public environment in your current UI version. This additional link at the old Log In screen is labeled “Launch New Supplier Portal”. See screenshot below where existing Username & Password work for both User Interfaces.
Note that most current Portal capabilities are available in the public version with the new UI. However, a few capabilities are currently unavailable and are planned to be available in the next few months, Including:
- ASN import
- User defined fields
- Bulk ASN cancel
- Various administration functions
If you are using any of these Portal capabilities, please check with Nexteer on when we expect these to be available in the new User Interface.
We encourage you to explore the pre-public environment to get familiar with the new UI.
You can also begin using the Public environment for normal activity as soon as you’re comfortable.
If you have any questions or are facing issues with the new user interface, please contact either Tom Bossard ( or Lisa Tyson (
Best Regards,
Nexteer Automotive
October 24, 2019
Dear Nexteer Partner,
Posted here are the key messages shared by Nexteer executive leadership during our global supplier conference this past October. Please share with your teams and reach out to your commercial contact within Nexteer for clarification on any of the points contained therein.
2019 Global Supplier Conference
*These slides are considered Nexteer confidential and should not be shared or distributed to others beyond our supply base
Nexteer Automotive
October 4, 2019
All Nexteer Automotive Suppliers:
The Nexteer Supplier Requirements have been updated effective October 7, 2019. It is your responsibility to review the entire document for details regarding these changes. The updated document can be found on the Nexteer Supplier Website under Doing Business with Nexteer at the following link:
Questions are to be directed to your Nexteer Buyer or Supplier Quality Personnel.
Major changes involve Sections:
- 2.1 Normative and Informative References – Added a quick reference section to list sections of this document that relate to PPAP
- 3.1 Terms and Definitions – Capacity Verification clarified to show verification is documented using the Nexteer Run-at-Rate form F1019, added definitions for EIPD, EOS, ESD and SDE.
- 4.3 Determining the Scope of the Quality Management System – added that when electronic components or assemblies are present, the supplier must fulfill the requirements of ANSI/ESD S20.20, IEC 61340, or equivalent as determined by Nexteer and audit to this requirement a minimum of once per year.
- Preventive Action – Added EOS requirement.
- Measurement System Analysis – Any alternatives to mini tab version 15 must be evaluated by Nexteer, any exceptions to variable gage studies must be agreed to and documented during the APQP process with Nexteer, for product control situations a max target of 10% was added.
- Record Retention – Added Engineering Change Approval documents to retention requirements.
- 8.2.1 Customer Communication – Updated naming of CQI-9 application to CQI-X Special Process Assessments to represent the requirement of uploading multiple special process assessments. A full assessment must be uploaded to the application as a summary page only is not acceptable.
- Customer Designed Special Characteristics – Initial process capability requirements for PPAP – clarified Nexteer approvers.
- Organization Manufacturing Feasibility/Run-at-Rate – Clarified the 15% overage may be run outside of a 100 hour week but no more than 120 hours.
- Statutory and Regulatory Requirements – Added references to Chemical Registration, clarified that old SoC specification references are replaced by Nexteer 23000000 specification, references to Conflict Minerals was updated to Responsible Sourcing.
- Supplier Monitoring – Added additional risk factors for SQEP level 4.
- Production Scheduling – Added Nexteer expects DESADVs are not sent until the shipment leaves the dock and within a maximum of 30 minutes of the shipment leaving the dock.
- 8.5.2 Identification and Traceability – Added typical traceable items may include key process parameters/data, etc. Key process parameters/data must be captured throughout the process using the applicable traceability method. Clarified that Singular/Serialization marking location and method will be shown on the Nexteer drawing. Added parts must be tracked for defect reconciliation. Clarified that all CL1 control levels must be compliant to singular traceability unless otherwise approved during the MAPP process. Clarified approval responsibility. Added that supplier traceability system will be assessed through the Nexteer MCA/NSA process. Specific part traceability is reviewed, documented, and verified through the MAPP process.
- 8.5.3 Property Belonging to Customers or External Providers – Removed design engineer name from tool inventory list.
- 8.5.4 Preservation – Packaging – added where to find the Nexteer Global Packaging and Shipping Manual. Shipment Security link was updated.
- Control of Changes – Supplemental – Added that the supplier shall retain approved change requests for the life of the material as per section
- Control of Non-Conforming Product – Customer Specified Process – Clarified that Supplier Quality organization manages Controlled Shipping.
- Monitoring and Measurement of Manufacturing Processes – Initial process capability studies – added the word “minimum” to the 300 piece PPAP production run.
- Customer Satisfaction – Supplemental – Clarified locations of scoring rules.
- 11.1 Commercial Expectations – Clarification that when Nexteer requests a quote in the Nexteer on-line quoting system, the supplier shall submit their response in Nexteer’s on-line quoting system.
- 11.7 Corporate Social Responsibility – Added section regarding Nexteer Corporate Social Responsibility Supplier Principles.
May 9, 2019
All Nexteer Automotive Suppliers:
Nexteer is committed to acting in accordance with all applicable laws and conducting our business in a socially and environmentally responsible manner with the highest degree of integrity.
As part of this commitment, we are launching new Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) Supplier Principles that extend to Nexteer’s global supply base. Nexteer’s Global Supply Chain Management expects the entire supply chain to specifically adhere to the principles described in this document. Please take a moment to review this document and ensure you are in alignment with these principles.
For each non-compliance, the supplier must implement corrective action plans to remain compliant with Nexteer CSR Supplier Principles. In the event the supplier fails to respect these principles, Nexteer reserves the right to impose penalties up to the exclusion of the supplier from Nexteer’s supply base.
December 3, 2018
Attn: All Direct Material Suppliers shipping to Nexteer US Facilities
On Tuesday, January 1, 2019, Nexteer Automotive will roll back the Supplier Accumes for all productive Suppliers that ship into our Mexico and US Facilities.
2018 Receipt Accumes will end Monday, December 31, 2018, at 24:00:00 EST.
2019 Receipt Accumes will start Tuesday, January 1, 2019, at 00:00:01 EST.
Do not initialize your Accumes to zero until the above date.
The Material Release dated Wednesday, January 2, 2019 will be the first release of the new year with an Accume of zero.
Material in transit that is Received by December 31, 2018 will be included in the 2018 Accumes.
Material in transit that is Received on or after January 1, 2019 will be included in 2019 Accumes.
Please contact Tom Bossard if you have any questions.
Thank you!
Thomas J. Bossard
Tom Bossard
Production Control & Logistics
Nexteer Automotive
Cell Phone 517-920-1680
October 2, 2018
Dear Nexteer Partner,
Posted here are the key messages shared by Nexteer executive leadership during our global supplier conference this past September. Please share with your teams and reach out to your commercial contact within Nexteer for clarification on any of the points contained therein.
2018 Global Supplier Conference
Nexteer Automotive
September 18, 2018
All Nexteer Automotive Suppliers:
The Nexteer Supplier Requirements have been updated effective September 18, 2018. It is your responsibility to review the entire document for details regarding these changes. The updated document can be found on the Nexteer Supplier Website under Doing Business with Nexteer at the following link:
Questions are to be directed to your Nexteer Buyer or Supplier Quality Personnel.
Major changes involve Sections:
- 1 Scope – Added NBH for failure to comply with this document.
- 3.1 Terms and Definitions – Complaints per Million was changed to Complaints per Billion, added other miscellaneous definitions.
- 4.3 Determining the Scope of the QMS – re-write of this section for clarity.
- Contingency Plans – Added cyber-attacks.
- 8.1.1 Operational Planning and Control Supplemental – clarified the SCS submission requirement.
- 8.2.1 Customer Communication – Added CQI-9 Application.
- 3.2.1 Design and Development Planning – Added DSS document reference.
- Supplier Monitoring – Added 1 additional stage to the escalation process, added the requirement for the supplier to submit their most recent annual QMS surveillance audit report.
- Supporting Documentation – Changed Appendix 58.1, MCA, to F1004.
- 8.5 Supporting Documentation – Eliminated Appendix 11, AIAG Check-sheet and Extended Downtime Checklist.
- 8.5.3 Property Belonging to Customers or External Providers – Updated to coordinate with section 11.4.
- 8.7 Supporting Documentation – Eliminated Extended Downtime Checklist and Appendix 57.3 Step Down Chart.
- Manufacturing Process Audit – Added reference to section 8.2.1, Customer Communication.
- 10.3.1 Continual Improvement – Added that suppliers are strongly encouraged to utilize the MCA/NSA, added that layered audits must be administered under the guidance of a competent manufacturing process auditor.
- 11.1 Commercial Expectations – Access to sub-tier’s facilities and documents will be through prior approval of the Nexteer supplier.
- 11.4 Payment – Updated to “successful” run at rate.
November 15, 2017
All Nexteer Automotive Suppliers:
The Nexteer Supplier Requirements have been updated effective November 15, 2017. It is your responsibility to review the entire document for details regarding these changes. The updated can be found on the Nexteer Supplier Website under Doing Business with Nexteer at the following link:
Questions are to be directed to your Nexteer Buyer or Supplier Quality Personnel.
Complete Rewrite to align with IATF 16949 clauses and numbering scheme, as well as, moved Supporting Documentation, Forms, References, to the end of each section. Major changes involve Sections:
Introduction – Updated vision.
1.1 Scope – Added indirect services.
3.1 Definitions – Added multiple definitions
4.3 Determining the Scope of the QMS – Updated for indirect services and reference to certification bodies. Removed waiver allowance. Product Safety – Added software development Corporate Responsibility – Added AIAG training reference Measurement Systems Analysis – Added online test or inspection equipment, visual inspection. Gage R&Rs to be updated annually.
8.1.1 Operational Planning and Control Supplemental – Added written approval from Nexteer is required on changes to MAPP after business award. APQP updated for multiple additions to the process.
8.2.1 Customer Communication – Specific indirect service suppliers now required to register to Intelex and participate in the Supplier 360 Profile application. Customer Designated Special Characteristics – Added DSS description. Initial Process Capability Studies for PPAP – required for all special characteristics unless otherwise agreed in MAPP (e.g. cap study may not be possible). Long Term Process Capability Studies – added control charting, clarified requirements for CL3. Organization Manufacturing Feasibility/Run-at-Rate – Added a reference to section 8.1.1 Process Readiness Audit. Clarified rules for capacity including requirement of full tooling in place for run-at-rate. Product Approval Process – Annual PPAPs must include the appropriate CQI Assessments which must be dated within 1 year of the PAPP submission date. Clarified the authorization to ship parts is provided by Nexteer PC&L after PAPP approval. Supplier Selection Process – Added CQI-8 Layered Process Audit Guideline, added requirement of financial assessment of sub-tier suppliers. Statutory and Regulatory Requirements – re-wrote section to add clarification. Supplier Quality Management System Development – Added the requirement of progression of QMS development including 2nd Party Audits. Supplier Monitoring – Clarified the SQEP process. – Second Party Audits – New Section includes reference to OEM customer requirements. Control Plan – Updated annual layout inspection requirement to include applicable AIAG special process assessments and guidelines. Traceability requirement added to control plan. Standardized Work – Operator Instructions and Visual Standards – Added OEM customer requirement Production Scheduling – Clarified EDI requirement and added OEM customer requirement for 100% on time delivery and notifications.
8.5.2 Identification and Traceability – Added requirement that key processes and quality data be identified in the control plan. Added evidence of the record system including retrieval be available prior to PPAP submission.
8.5.4 Preservation – Packaging – requirement that packaging of electronic components and assemblies shall be made of ESD dissipative or anti-static material. Shipment Security – added Mexico OEA requirements. Control of Changes Supplemental – Added that a completed and approved production trial run may be required. Control of Non-Conforming Product – Customer Specified Process – Clarified Controlled Shipping. Manufacturing Process Audit – Changed requirement for annual CQI assessment submission to now be included in the annual PPAP submission instead of Intelex.
10.2.4 Error Proofing – Added review of CL1 and CL2 features for adequate control during APQP.
10.2.5 Warranty Management Systems – Added reference to AIAG CQI-14, Consumer Centric Warranty Management.
10.3.1 Continual Improvement – Added Nexteer Supplier Assessment as a tool for use and added reference to AIAG CQI-8, Layered Process Audit Guideline.
11.4 Payment – Added Supplier Quality requirements for direct supplier payment.
11.6 Data Privacy – Added reference to Privacy Shield.
Attachment F Nexteer Ethics Line – removed the attachment; information now contained in 5.1.1, Corporate Responsibility.
October 12, 2017
Dear Nexteer Partner,
Posted here are the key messages shared by Nexteer executive leadership during our global supplier conference this past September. Please share with your teams and reach out to your commercial contact within Nexteer for clarification on any of the points contained therein.
2017 Global Supplier Conference
Nexteer Automotive
October 5, 2017
All Nexteer Suppliers
CBP Cracks Down on Wood Packaging Material Requirement Violations
Effective November 1st 2017 U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) will penalize any documented violation of the wood packaging material (WPM) requirements, eliminating its previous policy of allowing up to five violations before taking such action. There will be no annual reset for calculating repeat violations and each WPM violation may incur a penalty.
CBP states that this policy change is designed to motivate compliance with requirements for non-exempt imported WPM (e.g., crates, boxes, and pieces of wood used to support or brace cargo) that have been in effect since Sept. 16, 2005. Such WPM must be heat treated or fumigated with methyl bromide at approved facilities at places of origin to kill harmful timber pests that may be present. It must also display a visible, legible, and permanent mark certifying treatment, preferably on at least two sides of the article. The mark must be approved under the International Plant Convention in its International Standards of Phytosanitary Measures (ISPM 15) regulation.
Any WPM of foreign origin found to be lacking compliant markings or infested with a timber pest is considered not properly treated and must be immediately exported. The party responsible for the violative WPM (importer, carrier, or bonded custodian) must adhere to the emergency action notification stipulations and is responsible for any costs or charges associated with such exports.
CBP encourages trade industry members to consider alternatives to WPM if possible. These may include plywood or press board, plastic pallets, oriented strand board, hardboard, parallel strand lumber, synthetic foam, metal frames, inflated dunnage, and masonite veneer.
Link to the U.S. Customs Bulletin:
Thank You,
Nexteer Trade Compliance
December 15, 2016
All Direct Material Suppliers:
Revision to the SPI (Supplier Packaging Information) form:
1) New tab with a completed sample SPI
2) New tab with regional-specific requirements
3) “Summary of Design Requirements” tab, added:
- Line 22, “Load must have sufficient strength to stack to a height of 104 in. (2640mm) in transit”. “Suitable non-stapled corner supports and top stacking frames may be necessary to meet this requirement”.
- Added line 50, “All container designs must be stackable”.
- Line 51 (previously 49), changed the verbage from “DO NOT SHIP labels not to be used” to “DO NOT STACK labels not to be used”.
Revision to the Global Packaging and Shipping Manual:
1) Page 8, changed the max pallet height baseline from 52 inches to 48 inches
2) Page 32, included new sample SPI
Please review the updated Manual and obtain the new SPI form from the Supplier Website at -> Suppliers -> Processes -> Shipping & Labeling.
Nexteer Global PC&L Team
November 1, 2016
All Nexteer Automotive Suppliers:
The Nexteer Supplier Requirements have been updated effective November 1, 2016.
The changes impacted Sections:
- 1.3 Supplier Communication – Added Supplier Quality Escalation Process to the list of communications.
- 1.4 Quality Management System – Added notice of the upcoming transition from ISO/TS 16949 to IATF 16949 effective Sept. 14, 2018. Added in section A, the requirement of a supplier plan to comply with TS16949 if the supplier is certified only to ISO9001. Clarified requirements for suppliers not registered to a quality standard. Section D, clarified ISO9001 quality certificates are recognized by Nexteer only if the certification body is recognized by IAF MLA. Updated the quality certification waiver criteria to exclude annual purchase value.
- 1.9 Record Retention – Added 50 year retention requirement for PPAP documentation. Supplier must maintain operating systems and equipment to facilitate retrievable for the entire retention period.
- 2.2 Pricing – Annual target reduction changed from 3% to a variable percentage.
- 4.2 Planning of Product Realization – Refer to DSS document for CL3 if the drawing safety regulation block is checked “yes”.
- 4.5 Nexteer Designated Special Characteristics – Added requirement for CL1, CL2, and CL3, that machine set up procedures must include verification of correct set up and that parts are 100% to print prior to release to production.
- Product Characteristic Chart for use without QCLs – Added extended production run to the process requirements acceptance criteria for standard characteristics.
- Product Characteristics Charts for use with QCLs – Clarified initial process capability requirements for PPAP. Added on-going capability requirements.
- 4.8 Control Plan – clarified annual layout requirement.
- 4.10 Measurement System Analysis – Clarified attribute gage study requirement for parts distribution.
- 5.1 Packaging – Updated to “…packaging proposal that ensures product quality from the supplier’s plant to the Nexteer dock”.
- 7.2 Supplier Quality Escalation/Top Focus Supplier Process – Added the description of the SQ Escalation Process.
- 7.4 Control of Nonconforming Product – Added the requirement of a reject reconciliation and response process which includes communication.
- 7.5 Supplier Performance Scorecards – Renamed section to Supplier Performance Scorecards from Scorecards, re-write of section due to changes in the scorecard calculations.
- Attachments B, C, D, and E updated. Drawing symbol removed for CL3 – must refer to DSS document.
- 8.0 Glossary – Added SQEP
It is your responsibility to review the entire document for details regarding these changes. The updated document can be found on the Nexteer Supplier Website under Doing Business with Nexteer.
Questions are to be directed to your Nexteer Buyer or Supplier Quality Personnel.
May 26, 2016
To: All Contractors, Sub-Contractors, Suppliers and Vendors that do business with Nexteer Automotive at the Saginaw location – “Need to Wear Safety Shoes”
Around the world Nexteer Automotive is requiring slip resistant steel / composite toe safety shoes for anyone who works or walks in the manufacturing and laboratory environments. As some of you may have heard, per the recent 2015 Local UAW / Nexteer Contractual Agreement and Health & Safety requirements stemming from toe injuries, Nexteer is going to a new safety shoe policy. Anyone who has a need to work or walk on our manufacturing floors, labs, garages, and Power House areas will be required by July 1, 2016 to wear slip resistant safety shoes with full leather uppers.
Nexteer Automotive expects all contractors, sub-contractors, suppliers and vendors to purchase their own full leather upper slip resistant safety shoes to be worn when on Nexteer Automotive property. (Please keep in mind that Nexteer Automotive will be going to slip resistant steel / composite toe shoes on February 1, 2017 so it is highly recommended when purchasing safety shoes to purchase steel / composite slip resistant safety shoes.) Nexteer Automotive will be providing temporary steel toe slip resistant overshoes and other required personal protective equipment (PPE) at the entrances of the Saginaw HQ main lobby and plants, which must be logged out and in upon completion of your visit.
The wearing of open toe, flip flops, sandals, fabric, tennis, canvas and any shoe with heels greater than two inches will continue to be forbidden to be worn in the Nexteer Automotive manufacturing, labs, garages and Power House areas. The enforcement of the Nexteer Safety Shoe Program brings Nexteer Automotive in line with the OSHA / MIOSHA standards for Personal Protective Equipment (PPE).
If any contractor, sub-contractor, supplier or vendor has any questions concerning this change to the Nexteer Automotive Safety Shoe Program, please get with your Nexteer Automotive host / contact or the Saginaw Site Safety Department.
Doug Owenby
VP North America Operations
March 2, 2016
All Nexteer Automotive Suppliers:
The Nexteer Supplier Requirements have been updated effective March 1, 2016.
The changes impacted Sections:
- 1.2 Code of Conduct and Corporate Social Responsibility – Added reference to Nexteer Code of Conduct and Attachment F
- 1.3 Supplier Communication – Clarified heat treat assessment (AIAG CQI-9) annual submission requirement. Updated Vontik link to:
- 1.4 Quality Management System – Clarified quality certificates are recognized by Nexteer only if the certification body is recognized by IATF as evidenced by the IATF logo and number on the quality certificate.
- 1.7 Sub Supplier Selection – Added CQI 27 Special Process: Casting System Assessment.
- 1.9 Record Retention – Added extended requirement for retention of Process Control Data, Process Inspection Data, and records of Reaction Activities for readings outside of specification. Also modified record retention for product traceability from 5 years to the current year plus 15 additional years.
- 4.2 Planning for Product Realization – Updated the requirement for Sourcing, APQP documents, and Intelex responses to be in English. Added the requirement of CQI 27.
- 4.3 Product Approval Process – Added references to AIAG PPAP manual and AIAG Service PPAP manual
- 4.5 Nexteer Designated Special Characteristics – Added that QCLs are used on drawings for both new and carry-over parts. Added press load process control requirement.
- Product Characteristic Chart for use without QCLs – Removed Cpm from the process requirements acceptance criteria for standard and fit/function QCI characteristics. Removed extended production run from the process requirements acceptance criteria for standard characteristics.
- Product Characteristics Charts for use with QCLs – Removed Cpm index from the initial process capability study acceptance criteria. Removed extended production run Ppk from the process capability requirements acceptance criteria. Added note for CL1, CL2, and CL4 that 100% inspection is not acceptable as the only control where the process indices are not met.
- 4.10 Variable Gage Studies – Added a max target of 10% when percentage R&R is calculated based on study variation.
- 4.12 Special Process Assessments – Added CQI-9 annual submission requirement and CQI 27 Special Process: Casting System Assessment
- 4.15 Annual Layout Inspection and Functional Testing – Added MSA study. Results must be submitted to the Supplier Quality Engineer.
- 5.1 Packaging – Clarified supplier’s responsibility to provide packaging that ensures product quality to the Nexteer point of use.
- 5.5 Regional Customs Documents – When shipping goods across borders, the supplier invoice shall include the manufacturing country of origin.
- 6.0 Change Management – Re-written to emphasize approval timing of changes and communication of Nexteer’s change management requirements to sub-tier suppliers.
- 7.2 Top Focus Supplier Process – Clarified verbiage regarding suppliers who are selected to participate in the TFS process.
- 7.3 Problem Reporting and Resolution Process including Cost Recovery – Changed initial response timing from 48 hours to 24 hours.
- 8.0 Glossary – Added Carry-over part and MCA definitions.
It is your responsibility to review the entire document for details regarding these changes. The updated document can be found on the Nexteer Supplier Website under Doing Business with Nexteer.
Questions are to be directed to your Nexteer Buyer or Supplier Quality Personnel.
October 13, 2015
Dear North America Supplier,
To better align Nexteer’s payment frequency with other Tier 1 suppliers we are changing our Accounts Payable payment schedule from 4 times per month to 2 times per month. Pursuant to this change, our last weekly payment run will be made on Thursday, October 22, 2015.
On Monday, November 2nd, our payment schedule will switch to the first and the twelfth work day of each month. Our first semi-monthly payment run will be made that day and will include payment for all shipments and services that have reached payment maturity by that date. If you have any questions on this change, please contact our call center at (989) 395-7177.
In addition to this change, Nexteer has been working with J.P. Morgan on a new payment option that will also be available to you on November 2nd. This option is an electronic, credit card-based payment solution which allows accelerated payments to suppliers who choose to use this form of payment. This payment solution is commonly known as a single-use account (SUA) solution. Some of the benefits to you, our supplier, of using our SUA option are:
- Allows accelerated payments to suppliers
- Provides unlimited secure electronic remittance details via email or portal
- Provides automated supplier communications and reminders
- Provides automated reconciliation
The SUA payment option comes with no additional costs from J.P. Morgan or Nexteer. However, supplier-merchant interchange fees may apply.
If you are not familiar with an SUA card program but are interested in learning more, please go to
If you:
- already take advantage of SUA card programs and would like to utilize the Nexteer
SUA program, - have questions about the cash acceleration payment process and would like to know how many days you can accelerate your Nexteer payment by,
- would like to talk to a JPM representative directly about the program,
please call the J.P. Morgan Recruitment Team at (877) 207-7450. A J.P. Morgan representative will be happy to show you how many days you can accelerate your Nexteer payment by and assist in getting you registered and ready to go!!
Nexteer Automotive Corporation
Executive Director, Global Supply Management